This project is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union
What is Youthreach?
Youthreach is a programme of education, training and work experience for early school leavers provided in an out-of school setting. (To find out more about Youthreach nationally, please click here).
Youthreach is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund and European Union.
For the 2021-2027 period, the ESF has been merged with the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI), the Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived (FEAD) and the directly managed Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) Programme, to become the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+).

What are the aims of Youthreach?
Youthreach aims to give young people:
- A second chance to gain education and training
- A chance to develop new skills
- A chance to gain national certification and to progress to further education or training
- A chance to find employment
Who is it for?
You can apply to join Youthreach if you are:
- Aged between 16 and 20 years old
- Have left school early with either no qualifications or minimal qualifications
What will Youthreach cost me?
Courses are provided free of charge and a weekly training allowance is paid. Meal and travel allowances are also paid.
QQI Level 3
- Skills Based
- Literacy and Numeracy Skills/Support
- Art, Catering, Engineering Focus
- Social and Personal Development
Subjects covered
- Communications
- Maths
- Life skills
- Computers
- Health and Fitness
- Practical Subjects
- Art and Crafts
A progression phase after that, which allows for further development through education, training and work experience options. These are Leaving Certificate Applied and Further Education and Training Awards Council.
QQI Level 4
- Represents a progression from Level 3 and is more challenging
- Literacy and Numeracy Skills Development and Support
- Art and Engineering Focus
- Task/Project Base
Subjects Covered
- Communications
- Information Technology Skills
- Maths
- Work Experience
- Art/Craft/Design
- Vocational Subjects
Leaving Certificate Applied
- 2 Year Whole-Time Programme
- 90% Attendance necessary
- Challenging Programme requiring commitment
- QQI / Junior Cert Level preferable at entry but not essential
Subjects Covered
- Vocational Preparation and Guidance – this includes up to 8 weeks work experience over the two years
- English and Communications
- Information Technology
- Mathematical Applications
- Leisure and Recreation
- Social Education
- Art
- Irish
- Modern Language (for example either German or French)
- Hotel, Catering and Tourism
- Craft and Design
- Office Administration
- Customer Care
- Engineering
Youth Train Wexford Youth Train provides a young person aged 16 – 21 years with an opportunity for real and meaningful change. Each learner has their own story and is at a crossroads in their lives. The work to achieve Levels 3 and 4 qualifications offers the staff team a base from which a learner is supported and challenged to progress to further training and employment. Supported by Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board and managed by a local Board of Management, Youth Train is an effective support to young people and a support for future employment in Wexford.
WYTEC Waterford WYTEC provide training for early school leavers and young unemployed people between 16 – 21 years of age. The centre can cater for up to 86 trainees, in a respectful, caring, equal, challenging and positive learning environment. WYTEC’s commitment is to respect the individuality, dignity and equality of all trainees and to help every trainee reach his/her full potential.