This project is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union

Youthreach Subla Centre is intended for young people who are aged between 15 and 20 years, have left the mainstream school system, are not catered for within other existing educational or training provision, and have not secured full-time employment.

Youthreach Subla Centre aims to provide an education for young people in a safe, secure, supportive and caring environment. It aims to provide programmes which contribute towards all aspects of the individual in a holistic manner.

We at Youthreach Subla Centre provide a genuinely integrated holistic education and support network for early school leavers while maintaining our strong links with the Traveller Community.

The centre operates on a full-time, 35 hour week, year round basis of 226 days or 45.2 weeks per year. Students receive an allowance for attendance. The allowance amount is determined by age.

Number of students: 15 (full-time) and 7 (part-time).

We deliver the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme which contains many practical modules such as Woodwork, Hotel Catering  and Tourism., Art and sports/fitness related classes. These are supported by our fully equipped Kitchen and Woodwork room.

We at Youthreach Subla Centre provide a genuinely integrated holistic education and support network for early school leavers while maintaining our strong links with the local Community. In the community we participate in programmes such as “Coastwatch” and  “Explore Your Shore” in the local area.

We place a lot of emphasis on work experience and learner progression. All learners will participate in work placement, and we have close links with Adult Guidance to enable progression of learners where possible. Our counselling provision programme supports learners where necessary.

During the summer period we deliver a Summer Programme where we look at progression of learners as well as providing Educational Field Trips.

The centre operates on a full-time, 35 hour per week, year-round basis of 226 days for youthreach, and subla centre.


This project  is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union

Youthreach Subla

Unit 3, Block 1, Lacken Road Business Park, Waterford, X91 AE18

Michael Sweeney

051 373833


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