Fulltime Classroom Engineering, manufacturing and construction

Special Purpose Award in Traditional Stonewall Construction

The purpose of this programme is to enable the learner to build a range of complex stone walls from plans including costing materials for completing a project.

For this and further information please go to:https://qsdocs.qqi.ie//sites/docs/AwardsLibraryPdf/5S5547_AwardSpecifications_English.pdf

Target Award

QQI Traditional Stonewall Construction – 5S5547

Start Date: 18-08-2025 Hours/week: 31 Hrs 15 Mins Duration: 10 weeks


Day Mornings Afternoons Evenings
Education Requirements
To access programmes leading to this award the learner should have reached the standards of knowledge, skill and competence associated with the preceding level of the National Framework of Qualifications. This may have been achieved through a formal qualification or through relevant life and work experience.

Age Requirements
Statutory School Leaving Age 16+

Learning Aptitude
Numeracy, Literacy and Manual Dexterity

Previous Experience
As specified by provider

Module Award Body
Traditional Stonewall Construction Skills Traditional Stonewall Construction Skills (5N5546) QQI
On successful completion of this programme learners will be able to:
1. Develop their knowledge of complex traditional stone walls.
2. Demonstrate understanding of the purpose and types of complex traditional stonewall
construction and associated tools.
3. Demonstrate a broad range of skills in building complex traditional stonewalls.
4. Demonstrate an ability to construct complex traditional stonewalls.
5. Implement safe working practices in a traditional stonewall construction environment.
6. Work independently under direction in a traditional stonewall construction environment.

For this and further information please go to:https://qsdocs.qqi.ie//sites/docs/AwardsLibraryPdf/5S5547_AwardSpecifications_English.pdf


Waterford Wexford Training Services WWETB


Waterford Training Centre, Industrial Estate, Cork Road, Waterford, X91 PX02


  • Free Parking
  • Wheel Chair Access
  • Full Canteen

Contact Details

Course Contact:
Course Recruitment Waterford Wexford Training Services


051-301500 051-301555