Fulltime Classroom Generic programmes and qualifications

Leaving Certificate Applied Programme Year 1 Aug 2024

Programme Aim
The Leaving Certificate Applied programme is part of the expanded senior cycle provision designed to cater for the diversity of participants’ needs. It consists of three elements – General Education, Vocational Education and Vocational Preparation and is designed to emphasise areas of achievement and excellence which are not catered for by the traditional academic programmes. The Leaving Certificate Applied programme has evolved from curriculum development projects aimed at strengthening the technological/vocational options and the development of personal skills at senior cycle.

The duration of the Leaving Certificate Applied Programme Cycle can vary from one to two years.

For further information please go to LCA Programme Statement at: http://www.curriculumonline.ie/senior-cycle

Target Award

Department of Education & Skills Leaving Certificate Applied – DESLCA

Start Date: 17-03-2025 Hours/week: 28 Hrs 00 Mins Duration: 52 weeks

Education Requirements
This Leaving Certificate course demands a high level of commitment from the learner and a good standard of reading, writing and maths is required. Having a Junior Certificate standard would be a definite advantage. Learners must have the capacity to work with others from diverse social, linguistic and cultural backgrounds; engage in critical and creative thinking and take responsibility for their own learning.

Age Requirements
Please see course details for minimum age requirements.


Learning Aptitude
Please refer to Department of Education website

Previous Experience
Please refer to Department of Education website

Module Award Body
Vocational Preparation & Guidance Leaving Certificate Applied (DESLCA) Department of Education & Skills
Agriculture/Horticulture Leaving Certificate Applied (DESLCA) Department of Education & Skills
Graphics And Construction Studies Leaving Certificate Applied (DESLCA) Department of Education & Skills
Childcare; Community Care Leaving Certificate Applied (DESLCA) Department of Education & Skills
Leisure And Recreation Leaving Certificate Applied (DESLCA) Department of Education & Skills
Modern Languages Leaving Certificate Applied (DESLCA) Department of Education & Skills
English And Communications Leaving Certificate Applied (DESLCA) Department of Education & Skills
Engineering Leaving Certificate Applied (DESLCA) Department of Education & Skills
French Leaving Certificate Applied (DESLCA) Department of Education & Skills
Learning Outcomes
The Leaving Certificate Applied programmes recognises the talents of all participants and provides an opportunity for them to develop in terms of responsibility, self-esteem and self-knowledge. During this programme participants will also have the opportunity to develop communication and decision making skills to help them achieve a more independent and enterprising approach to learning and to life.

For further information on the Leaving Certificate Applied programme please see LCA Programme Statement at:


Gorey Youthreach


Gorey Youthreach, Ramstown lower, Gorey, y25f8n5


  • Free Parking
  • Wheel Chair Access
  • Tea/Coffee Making

Contact Details

Course Contact:
Robbie McCabe


053 948 9201