Parttime Classroom Generic programmes and qualifications

GY Intermediate Excel / Spreadsheets L4

Objectives of the Programme Module
• To explore with the learner the purpose of spreadsheets and the processes involved in
creating spreadsheet documents.
• To facilitate the learner to create and make modifications to spreadsheet documents.
• To enable the learner to use spreadsheet functions and formulae for calculations.
• To enable the learner to use a variety of commands to display data attractively.
• To assist the learner to develop the language, literacy and numeracy skills related to
Spreadsheet Methods through the medium of the module themes and content
• To enable the learner to take responsibility for his/her own learning

Target Award

QQI General Learning – 4M2010

Start Date: 28-08-2024 Hours/week: 03 Hrs 30 Mins Duration: 16 weeks


Day Mornings Afternoons Evenings
Education Requirements
Applicants should have a standard of knowledge, skill and competence equivalent to NFQ Level 3 when accessing a Level 4 programme. Applicants may have participated in primary and secondary education although no formal qualifications are required.

Age Requirements
Please see course details for minimum age requirements

Please refer to Programme Descriptor for Programme Aims and Objectives

Learning Aptitude
Applicants must have a motivation to learn, an interest in the subject and the ability to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies set out in the course.

Previous Experience
Applicants must be able to demonstrate a moderate range of knowledge, skills and competencies relevant to the course, be able to work under direction with some ability to work on their own initiative.

Module Award Body
Spreadsheet Methods Spreadsheets Methods (4N1120) QQI
Learning Outcomes of Level 4 Spreadsheet Methods 4N1120
Learners will be able to:
1. Outline typical spreadsheet functions including document creation
2. State the primary functions and processes involved in creating a spreadsheet document
3. Use the language associated with spreadsheet applications
4. Use with confidence a spreadsheet application to enter and edit text, numbers and dates, and
insert and delete columns and rows
5. Use arithmetic operators to add, subtract, multiply and divide
6. Use formulae and functions within a spreadsheet including sum, average, max, min and count
7. Use a range of formatting commands including font size, font colour, background colours, bold,
alignments, borders, numbers, decimals and dates
8. Modify a spreadsheet document by adding repeating column or row titles, page numbers, date
or text to headers and footers, and adjusting to fit on to one page
9. Produce a range of basic charts and graphs including pie, column, bar and line with titles and


Gorey Further Education and Training Centre


Civic Square, The Avenue, Gorey, Co Wexford


  • Pay Parking
  • Wheel Chair Access
  • Tea/Coffee Making

Contact Details

Course Contact:
Susan Neville

