Fulltime Classroom Education

ELC – Level 5 Certificate in Early Learning and Care

The aim of the Stage 1 of the Advanced Certificate in Early Learning and Care programme is to enable the learner to acquire the knowledge, skills and competence to work independently and as part of a team, subject to direction and practice supervision, as a member of the early learning and care community of practice, providing holistic care and learning experiences for children from 0-6 years across a range of early learning and care settings.

This award also provides the learner with the opportunity to transfer and progress into further and higher education and training, and to Stage Two of the Advanced Certificate in Early Learning and Care.

**This programme leads to a new QQI award, the Level 5 Certificate in Early Learning and Care

NB – It is important to note that the 6 mandatory Programme Modules are not accredited Awards in their own right. The Level 5 Certificate in Early Learning and Care will be awarded on successful completion of all of the 6 mandatory Programme Modules.

Target Award

QQI Early Learning & Care Certificate – 5M21473

Start Date: 08-09-2025 Hours/week: 19 Hrs 00 Mins Duration: 38 weeks


Day Mornings Afternoons Evenings
Education Requirements
Learners will not be expected to have prior knowledge or experience of the early learning and care sector on entry to the programme but they will be expected to demonstrate an interest in the field. Learners will be expected to have knowledge, skills and competences equivalent to NFQ level 4. A minimum English language and literacy competency of B2 in writing, reading, listening and speaking on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) is required at entry to the programme for speakers of English as a second or other language.

Age Requirements
Minimum school-leaving age

Learning Aptitude
The programme is intended for learners interested in a career in early learning and care with children aged from 0-6 years, including those who may have an interest in working as an early learning and care practitioner or for those wishing to progress to higher education in this field.

Previous Experience
Target learners include school-leavers and mature learners returning to education. Full-time and part-time courses are intended to meet the needs of a range of learners, such as those already working in the sector who want to develop their skills and/or acquire qualifications, people working in other areas or unemployed who want to move into the ELC sector, people with responsibilities that do not enable them to undertake full-time courses and people whose preference is to undertake a part-time course.

Module Award Body
Professional Practice Placement in Early Learning and Care Early Learning & Care Certificate (5N21474) QQI
Children’s Rights, Legislation and Regulation Early Learning & Care Certificate (5N21474) QQI
Holistic Care of Children, 0-6 Years Early Learning & Care Certificate (5N21474) QQI
Early Childhood Growth and Development Early Learning & Care Certificate (5N21474) QQI
Curriculum, Play and Creative Studies Early Learning & Care Certificate (5N21474) QQI
Understanding and Assisting Children with Additional Needs Early Learning & Care Certificate (5N21474) QQI
Employability Statement
The successful completion of the QQI Level 5 Certificate in Early Learning and Care will enable applicants to work independently and under supervision in a range of Early Learning and Care (ELC) settings.

Programme Learning Outcomes
1. Summarise essential legislation, regulatory frameworks and guidelines which underpin
children’s rights and best practice in ELC
2. Contribute to a nurturing and inclusive ELC environment for children to meet their holistic
learning and care needs.
3. Engage in an inclusive, ethical and anti-bias approach to the early learning and care of children
4. Outline a range of learning and theoretical perspectives on child development that contribute
to the holistic development of children
5. Conduct child observations and assessments, informed by theory and national frameworks, to
promote the holistic development of children in ELC
6. Implement and review a variety of inclusive play opportunities and creative studies,
underpinned by theory in both indoor and outdoor environments to promote children’s holistic
7. Contribute to the development and implementation of inclusive curricular approaches, in
partnership with stakeholders, in line with national frameworks and ELC regulations to support
the holistic development of children.
8. Engage in effective communication and teamwork with children, colleagues, families and other
stakeholders in the ELC setting.
9. Engage in reflective practice to support the development of personal and professional practice
10. Demonstrate professionalism with stakeholders and the broader community of the ELC setting
while working under supervision
11. Implement centre-based policies, procedures and practices to ensure continuity of routines in


Enniscorthy Community College


Milehouse Road, Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford


  • Free Parking
  • Wheel Chair Access

Contact Details

Course Contact:
Mary Nolan


053 9236969