The amalgamation of four separate organisations into the one ETB meant that a number of different information management systems were inherited by WWETB, and are still being operated in part of in full. It is hoped that over time, some of these will be phased out and replaced by the Programme and Learner Support System (PLSS) as one central an information management system designed to manage course and funding planning, course management, learner data, evaluation and reporting.
WWETB’s Statement of Strategy 2018 – 2022 has three related goals outlining, 1.7 Commitment to Technology-enhanced teaching, learning and assessment, 1.8 planning for current and future needs for infrastructure and buildings and 2.4 IT Systems Development.
Data Protection & Security
WWETB has data protection and freedom of information policies in place to comply with current legislation.
Under WWETBs Administrative Access Policy all appropriate information will be made available to the requester having regard to privacy, confidentiality and the public interest. As a matter of policy, the Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board supports an individual’s right to see what information is held about them within its service. Generally, access to an individual’s own records can be provided administratively (subject to exceptions).
Assessment records and assessment data are currently maintained by centres, there is however a lack of clarity as to what records should be maintained and for how long.
Data Analysis
While data is analysed and evaluated a local centre or programme level and as part of External Authentication and Result Approval Panel processed, WWETB does not as yet analyse collated data and ETB level very well. The reason for this is mainly a resource and experience issue of how to effectively mine and analyse the data. We have a fast amount of data available to use from FARR reports, QQI reports, PLSS reports etc., but we need much more consideration as to how these can be analysed at ETB Level and use to enhance planning, monitoring, review and policy, programme development etc. WWETB is committed to reviewing = what structures, training and resources are required to engage in meaningful data analytics of the data and information available to us, including QQI, PLSS and FARR data. WWETB is also investigating the provision of resources to undertake required data analysis.