In all centres a named person has responsibility for managing assessment (planning & coordinating assessment, QBS entries, organizing IV etc. This person may the programme coordinator, PLC coordinator, deputy principal, exams coordinators, QQI coordinators etc. depending on the organisation of the programme.
All centres delivering QQI assessments operate Internal Verification/External Authentication (IV/EA) processes, and have Results Approval Panels (RAPs) which review the results of the Assessment, IV/EA processes, and address any issues which may have arisen in the course of the assessment process.
Common IV, EA and RAP guidelines and templates exist for the FET programmes. Training centres and their second providers are still using the documentation developed for the TQAS. All EA reports for QQI certification (other than from the training centres) are sent to the QA Officer who reviews the findings and discusses them at the RAP meetings.
Collated findings from the EA Reports and RAP meetings is an identified areas for improvement and plans are in place to produce collate findings for feedback to centre and EAs in 2018. This process will also allow us to develop a set of common guidelines for use by External Authenticators and a guide to common EA queries that arise.
In 2016 the WWETB External Authentication process was changed so that all External Authentication and Results Approval Panels are coordinated, planned and scheduled centrally by the Quality Assurance Team. All EA Reports are reviewed by the QA Officer and where possible someone from the QA Team attends all RAP meeting, where attendance in person is not possible a RAP review is undertaken by phone.
Significant training has been provided for centre/programme managers, QA/QQI coordinator and learning practitioners over the past 18 months to ensure that everyone is aware of the assessment standards, policies, procedures and documentation in place in WWETB
The Learner Appeals process is now managed centrally through the Quality Assurance and the WWETB Appeals policy is in place. Appeals are then reviewed by external subject area expert appeal examiners. The monitoring of appeals in overseen by the QA Officer and reporting on the appeals process is made to the QA Steering Group.
Assessment Regulation Handbooks
In all centres existing assessment regulation handbooks exist as part of legacy QA agreements. WWETB is working towards a set of common assessment policies and regulations, which will be available here when they are ready. In the meantime, learners should refer to the regulations in their centre.
The Training Centres continue to operate under the WWETB Training Centre Assessment Regulations that were part of the TQAS
Click here for full WWETB Training Centre Assessment Regulations
WWETB is finalising new procedures on Assessment based on best practice and the development work undertaken with other ETBs through ETBI. Once reviewed, these new WWETB QA Procedures on
Assessment will cover the following sections of the assessment process and will supersede previous procedures in any of the legacy systems:
- Assessment Deadlines
- Assessment Malpractice
- Compassionate Consideration
- Reasonable Accommodation
- Secure storage
- Examination regulations
- Appeals