Adult Literacy

  • Improve your self confidence
  • Improve your reading, writing, spelling, maths and digital skills
  • QQI Levels 1 to 3
  • Single modules


Family Learning

  • Snuggle Stories
  • Helping your child with homework
  • Child Development and Play
  • Crafts for children



  • Introduction to Digital Media
  • Computers for beginners
  • Internet and Email
  • Wordprocessing
  • Spreadsheets
  • Desktop Publishing


Skills for Work

  • WWETB provides work-based learning and educational opportunities under the Skills for Work Initiative. The focus of the Skills for Work programme is upskilling basic skills within the workplace covering basic digital skills, communications and numeracy. 


Adult Literacy & Family Learning Ana Murphy                   
Computers & Skills for Work Deirdre Keohan              



Unit 1A, Railway Square, Waterford, X91 A722

Jackie Browne

051 854444 / 086 8533649


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